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IT’S difficult to assess these clips without thinking of Kristallnacht, a horrific pogrom full of violence and noted for over 7500 Jewish businesses being smashed to pieces… Watching this resonated only in the sense of the chaotic scenes after when Police were called in. The activist who seemed to be something out of MPAC’s brainwashed living dead screamed bloody murder outside naming and shaming the Muslim shopkeeper for selling Israeli dates. Unfortunately a combination of peer pressure and  lack of protection by the Police physically and morally, and definitively detained her and not being sucked in by her so-called Muslim calling to arms speech outside. but here lies the problem again, the old chestnut of  inadequate policing…. The policeman should have protected the rights of the shopkeeper to sell whatever he wants and challenge this woman in public and make an example of her. But no and like so many policeman instructed nowadays community cohesion comes first. This made painful viewing as it was soo obvious so by his weedy attitude to her.  He basically didn’t have the necessary skills to verbally challenge her and she knew this as her screams and people around her grew every second.

The fact the shopkeeper for so long  kept pointing out if you want to live in a Muslim country with ‘Haraam’ laws go live in one then was comforting for a while, his lack of expertise and inexperience in matters of moral conviction sadly ran out of stream. I suspect he’s never been confronted about this before  and the poor man probably never-ever been accused of being a proper Muslim. The part two video shows this side and I’ m afraid the Kristallnacht-esque shrieking from the woman was far too much and logic fell out of the window. The updated part two video is a strong indication of how Asian-Muslims here who do want to seek integration in a country they call home are slowly being blackmailed& harassed into a growing religiosity which seeks to take away any strain of free thinking or logic they may have. The channel promoting the video is called “freedom Films” well it isn’t , more like Fascist films.

There is no doubt British Muslims are being targeted more and more by the likes of  MPACUK  through direct action and emotional blackmail,  will this equate into violence as seen in the 1930s on actual Jewish businesses is to be seen..? For the most part the likes of MPACUK pick  and choose  their targets carefully and not to be on the wrong side of the  law. Tescos, Salisbury, have all been targets in the past from Muslim direct action groups

They also know the bigger shops are softer targets because they don’t like the publicity  and won’t press charges.  it’s the smaller one’s which are more interestng like this in green lanes because it shows their real hand and mindset and sofar incidents like  this are rarely caught on camera, the fact it is suggests it may get dirty. Thankfully gor the moment they do not dare attack Jewish shops who  sell Israeli goods.  This will be seen as racist  provocation by the general public and too much though at some point activists from this school of thought will do something stupid i m afraid, it is the most logical step for the deranged and obsessive political types.`

People like this guy who runs MPAC,


…wear suits and seems respectable but what they want is a Muslim population that doesn’t think for themselves and by telling them we are respecting your freedoms to protest but denying you from freedom of thought is Fascistic of the worse possible degree..


THEY, MPACUK, are the equivalent of professional legal-Jihadists in Europe they continually want to strike fear in the hearts of Muslims telling them to be good Muslims or else. I also found out they like to champion freedoms for non-Muslims in the UK. Take this recent example of someone who challenged Community CCTV. The likes of MPACUK seek legitimacy through engagement with non-Muslims interested in freedoms as an ideal but as  i pointed out its a tactic as old as time itself, Fascism needs to have people actually believing it to good for you for it to work.

In the end it needs the police to challenge these types on the streets and not cower into submission so easily. As much as this video will be circulated around the confines of MPACUK’s and sent off to instructor types, it should also be set directly to Scotland Yard.. But alas this is England and Jew baiting is alive and well. One wonders would Turkish shopkeepers be so easily converted and talked to in this manner ? well I very much doubt it as for all the differences in opinion regarding Israel and Turkish relations they are far too sure of their identity and know where to draw the line between. I also believe MPACUK would nt have the guts to try..

In fact I believe MPACUK like true cowards they are would not dare to….


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