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Tag Archives: useful idiots

Most seasoned observers both left and right recognize Christians have a hard time to express themselves openly within Islamic countries. The quite brilliant Tom Gross gives countless examples on his site. But this fact-on-the-ground doesn’t bold well for Arabist and Palestinian apologists who find any means to curtail and discourage negative reports from Palestinian territories about the growing threats to Palestinian Christians living here. Stuart Littlewood who writes for Redress explained that he was so dissatisfied with the Guardians report on Hamas crackdown on Christmas, he felt it was hurting the Palestinian cause so contacted her directly. Now correct me if I m wrong most if not all Israel activists wouldn’t use that moralizing tone despite angry retorts by Pro-Israel feelings, its if “how dare the Guardian ever suggest the wonderful Palestinians could possibility think of such a thing”.. Guardian article here:

Littlewood says, “Is Hamas being beastly to Gaza’s Christians? Has Phoebe Greenwood got her story straight? I wrote to her at the Guardian, pointing out that revelations of this kind in the popular British press undo the hard work activists put in to help the Palestinian cause. Could she please throw more light onto it? I’ve had no reply. I’m in England and unable to contact Hamas. Phoebe Greenwood is on the spot. Shouldn’t someone from Haniyeh’s office be given a chance to comment?”

Look it’s this sanctimonious moralistic conviction crap of “always being in the right” and bloody ignorant of  facts-on-the-ground which has always fascinated me about the Pro-Palestinian cause. Their agenda is so-fanatically hatred towards Israel that they will change day into night to suit how and how others should see the conflict.

Critically,  this is the main difference between  (supporters of Israel) and  how they  see it.  Within in the Jewish world we have the capacity of debate and self inquiry – sometimes to our detriment.  Again the proof is so overly abundant in our culture its very obvious for every one to see, if not read the bloody JC letter page for the past  ten years and YOU’LL see  for differing opinions (do it I dare ya Stuart!!).  I do think in the end ,  fanatics like Stuart will always lose because the very people they’re trying to win over and hoodwink will eventually bore and suss them out. The fact he says Greenwood didn’t bite to his charges of “unfairness” is indicative of a growing trend i notice since the beeb finally admitted coverage of being too keen of taking the Palestinian view and slap down for well respected Jeremy Bowen – a very unusual admission indeed.  BBC and middle east shtick

For links on Palestinian Christians and yes even-handed accounts look here: Yes there’s even criticism of Israel as it should be when talking about democracies.

But really do you own research as I genuine believe  people should find out the  truth for themselves, something the likes of Stuart Littlewood cannot ever comprehend! Stuart likes to write moralistic  blackmailing letters because like all supporters of Palestinian cause it has become very personal and a sick obsession. He cannot see dark from light and will never allow himself to create a space for criticism despite the overwhelming evidence.

if you listen to this clip with the always excellent Nigel Farage of UKIP debating the Burqa with “Lord Haw Haw” himself George Galloway the thought occurred to me… Galloway as ever – like useful idiots such as Lauren Booth – will disingenuously use the freedom argument and say the wearing of the full Burqa is expression of freedom so surely this is what British values is all about. Well no,  its more or less the same as Holocaust deniers claiming the interest in downgrading the horrors of the Holocaust to just a few thousand in the name of freedom of speech and expression.  (note how this site uses free dom of speech)

One of the best arguments against came ironically enough on Russia Today News channel on the hideous Peter Lavelle show Crossfire. Just watch the French woman completely destroy the English woman claiming and moaning about her human rights being eroded by the possibility of a Europe wide  ban.

Iran joins a long list of extreme right and left in supporting the occupy movement. Zombie excellent summary as follows..

The 99%: Official list of Occupy Wall Street’s supporters, sponsors and sympathizers

Communist Party USA


Communist Party USA, OWS speech, The Daily Caller

American Nazi Party


Media Matters, American Nazi Party, White Honor, Sunshine State News

Ayatollah Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran


The Guardian, Tehran Times, CBS News

Barack Obama


ABC News, CBS News, ForexTV, NBC New York

The government of North Korea


Korean Central News Agency (North Korean state-controlled news outlet), The Marxist-Leninist, Wall Street Journal, Times of India

Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam


video statement (starting at 8:28), Black in America, Weasel Zippers, Philadelphia Weekly

Revolutionary Communist Party


Revolutionary Communist Party, Revolution newspaper, in-person appearance

David Duke


Talking Points Memo, video statement,

Joe Biden


Talking Points Memo, video statement, Mother Jones

Hugo Chavez


Mother Jones, Reuters,

Revolutionary Guards of Iran


Associated Press, FARS News Agency, UPI

Black Panthers (original)


in-person appearance, Occupy Oakland, Oakland Tribune

Socialist Party USA


Socialist Party USA, IndyMedia, The Daily Caller

US Border Guard


White Reference,, Gateway Pundit, Just Another Day blog

Industrial Workers of the World


IWW web site,, in-person appearances



in-person appearance, Washington Post, CAIR, CAIR New York

Nancy Pelosi


Talking Points Memo, video statement, ABC News, The Weekly Standard

Communist Party of China


People’s Daily (Communist Party organ), Reuters,, The Telegraph


      Sources:, (2), (3), wikipedia


      Sources: (1), (2), (3)

International Bolshevik Tendency

      Sources:, Wire Magazine



Adbusters, The Guardian, video statement

White Revolution


International Socialist Organization


Socialist Worker,, in-person appearance

PressTV (Iranian government outlet)


PressTV, wikipedia

Marxist Student Union


Marxist Student Union, Big Government,

Freedom Road Socialist Organization


FightBack News,


For more on Iran’s  propagandist attempt look here

It’s supposedly a solidarity website by the Basijs volunteer group or Party but seems more the work of the Iranian State funded which obviously it is. Just exactly what the useful idiots on the occupiers movement feel about attracted every far right and far left is anyone’s guess.


just found this clip.. Its a fascinating Michael Moore to camera schtick appealing to the Syrian government to give up. This was shot back in May. Needless to say he begins by apologizing for the Bush Administration and the West involvement meddling in the Middle East,  when he finally gets down asking Assad to stop the killing, one still has the impression he doesn’t quite go far enough. The fact the man sees himself as someone of importance is grating enough but for him to seriously think his words in appealing for Assad  to go in the same manner as Botha’s South African is again,  – to avoid the cliche –  making more moral equivalence, a symptom of the Left.

Let there be no doubt, Assad is brutally murdering people in full view of the world and the UN, exactly where are the likes of Mssrs Moore and others protesting on the streets and world condemnation. Where is Chomsky?

Am glad they were shipped back on EasyJet, be a shame to waste El AL Air Miles on these complete fools. Watch them speak out at nasty Israel, hmm we wonder IF they have the balls to go to Syria or Libya. Well do ya?? phfff..
& for pics..