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Category Archives: Israel

for anyone doubting the Guardian’s obsession with Israel which goes beyond rational thought& reason – thus turning it into the spotlight of everything wrong with the West. please count how many poststhe subject Israel on Comment Is Free section. By my reckoning it’s over 2012 articles, way more than  subject such as Islam and even Al Qaeda!!! bloody fools..

oh check here if you don’t believe

The real story of the day is not Abu Mazen’s deliberate ploy to start a Third Intifadeh but Hezbollah’s failure to deal with its own insurrection. It seems Arab countries are not the only “Entities” (as they loving say about the Zionist one) in trouble…

According to Asharq Alawsat, 5 senior Hezbollah agents have been charged for spying for the Israelis and one of which escaped! Whatever the truth judging by Al Manar’s quick reply on their site suggests they are worried and seems to have suggestion of truth. What price Nasrallah remaining in power next year I wonder…?

IT’S difficult to assess these clips without thinking of Kristallnacht, a horrific pogrom full of violence and noted for over 7500 Jewish businesses being smashed to pieces… Watching this resonated only in the sense of the chaotic scenes after when Police were called in. The activist who seemed to be something out of MPAC’s brainwashed living dead screamed bloody murder outside naming and shaming the Muslim shopkeeper for selling Israeli dates. Unfortunately a combination of peer pressure and  lack of protection by the Police physically and morally, and definitively detained her and not being sucked in by her so-called Muslim calling to arms speech outside. but here lies the problem again, the old chestnut of  inadequate policing…. The policeman should have protected the rights of the shopkeeper to sell whatever he wants and challenge this woman in public and make an example of her. But no and like so many policeman instructed nowadays community cohesion comes first. This made painful viewing as it was soo obvious so by his weedy attitude to her.  He basically didn’t have the necessary skills to verbally challenge her and she knew this as her screams and people around her grew every second.

The fact the shopkeeper for so long  kept pointing out if you want to live in a Muslim country with ‘Haraam’ laws go live in one then was comforting for a while, his lack of expertise and inexperience in matters of moral conviction sadly ran out of stream. I suspect he’s never been confronted about this before  and the poor man probably never-ever been accused of being a proper Muslim. The part two video shows this side and I’ m afraid the Kristallnacht-esque shrieking from the woman was far too much and logic fell out of the window. The updated part two video is a strong indication of how Asian-Muslims here who do want to seek integration in a country they call home are slowly being blackmailed& harassed into a growing religiosity which seeks to take away any strain of free thinking or logic they may have. The channel promoting the video is called “freedom Films” well it isn’t , more like Fascist films.

There is no doubt British Muslims are being targeted more and more by the likes of  MPACUK  through direct action and emotional blackmail,  will this equate into violence as seen in the 1930s on actual Jewish businesses is to be seen..? For the most part the likes of MPACUK pick  and choose  their targets carefully and not to be on the wrong side of the  law. Tescos, Salisbury, have all been targets in the past from Muslim direct action groups

They also know the bigger shops are softer targets because they don’t like the publicity  and won’t press charges.  it’s the smaller one’s which are more interestng like this in green lanes because it shows their real hand and mindset and sofar incidents like  this are rarely caught on camera, the fact it is suggests it may get dirty. Thankfully gor the moment they do not dare attack Jewish shops who  sell Israeli goods.  This will be seen as racist  provocation by the general public and too much though at some point activists from this school of thought will do something stupid i m afraid, it is the most logical step for the deranged and obsessive political types.`

People like this guy who runs MPAC,


…wear suits and seems respectable but what they want is a Muslim population that doesn’t think for themselves and by telling them we are respecting your freedoms to protest but denying you from freedom of thought is Fascistic of the worse possible degree..


THEY, MPACUK, are the equivalent of professional legal-Jihadists in Europe they continually want to strike fear in the hearts of Muslims telling them to be good Muslims or else. I also found out they like to champion freedoms for non-Muslims in the UK. Take this recent example of someone who challenged Community CCTV. The likes of MPACUK seek legitimacy through engagement with non-Muslims interested in freedoms as an ideal but as  i pointed out its a tactic as old as time itself, Fascism needs to have people actually believing it to good for you for it to work.

In the end it needs the police to challenge these types on the streets and not cower into submission so easily. As much as this video will be circulated around the confines of MPACUK’s and sent off to instructor types, it should also be set directly to Scotland Yard.. But alas this is England and Jew baiting is alive and well. One wonders would Turkish shopkeepers be so easily converted and talked to in this manner ? well I very much doubt it as for all the differences in opinion regarding Israel and Turkish relations they are far too sure of their identity and know where to draw the line between. I also believe MPACUK would nt have the guts to try..

In fact I believe MPACUK like true cowards they are would not dare to….


Yep, after some much deserved break this particular Jewhican is on the warpath.

In fashionably Brooklyn, the Liberal blinded Jews are being seduced of false promises as they excite themselves and others brownstoner’s dwellings to ditch Israeli goods..

At the all too comfortable Gallery Cafe part of the St. Margaret House Settlements a smug world view has often been one its more offensive charms. This complex  houses so many charities and groups people  here staff at the cafe I ve asked don’t even know what’s going on! The cafe itself everything from vegan ism to fair trade and can be very confusing to decipher what it is they really believe in, and typical of its time I reckon. I much preferred it when nice Buddhists used to run the show and serve humble homemade food for the local community , nowadays people who came are those who take part in their world views and I myself refuse to talk any politics inside. The sight of self importance Hipsters and 50somethings who indulge in a knowing-ness all believing their world view is the norm doesn’t make this Jewhican a happy Mensch. More recently the Gallery think of itself as a showcase hub for all  English revival folk music evenings something the hipster ish  staff over eulogizes like a preacher in room full of newly baptized virgins. 

Over the last few weeks I noticed an increase in literature about the impending EDL march in the East End. There’s simply piles and piles of  leaflets and newspapers everywhere ( printed mostly by Hope Not Hate) warning its flock to attend and protest them. With grabbing headlines like “We’ve stopped them before”  and “Tower Hamlets Stands Strong Against Extremism” This is clearly a calling and coming together almost in religious-like stature. I can tell one tright now people here in the Eastend are wetting themselves with excitement as this is the first time  they can finally practice what they can preach, knowing that not much will really happen as the police will make sure the EDL be policed at a man per marcher which is the norm for the EDL policing.

UNWATCH’s Hillel Neuer often says “human rights has become the new religion of the left” and when a religion becomes a religion too quickly like those who will oppose the EDL, are they ever going to allow themselves to believe fascism also comes from the very people who will join and oppose the EDL.  Elton John once said during a Tel Aviv performance “I will not cherry pick my politics” in response to those who wanted him to boycott Israel, he clearly knew the dangers of aligning with a popular cause without clear processes.

With all this literature around me I left the Gallery Cafe to  the sound of easy listening light  and a crowd of 40-50 something creating fairtrade cupcakes and real ale who will never put two and two together and ask the big question about this whole affair? Why has there never EVER been a concerted effort to stop radical Islamic groups marching or holding hate-fest events in the Eastend since 9/11?

It depresses me the countless times I ve sat and watch the likes the Islam4uk or IslamicForumEurope hold racist views about Jews, Israelis, Gays and the unbelievers… “bomb bomb Tel Av” they chanted in the middle of BrickLane in 2006 I particular remember and will never forgot.

In the meantime we’ll keep moving the deckchairs on the Titanic to the sound of Wagner’s Valkyries

I just watched France 24 news item piece about Ramadan. A standard introduction piece as they quickly take us through the Muslim world  explaining its significance, you can watch here.. The report only took  41 seconds before the voiceover said “At the West bank  these faithful will travel to East Jerusalem ” We cut to a  man  inside a bus , he  says along with nice shot of  the bus along the security Wall “God willing I will pray at Al Asqa Mosque…”   The reports tails off with less dramatic pictures of other Muslims praying  and from countries like Malaysia,  Indonesia , yep those wonderful tolerant Muslim countries  ..

So out of all the Islamic countries and the millions of Muslims who now live around the world France News 24 station decides to view the Ramadan through the eyes of a West Banker wanting to go to the Al Asqa Mosque, and consquently though the prism of occupation.  Like a black person who can sense when politicians are not quite what they seem when going on Tv and giving social platitudes about the positives of the black community, a Jewish person can also sense when someone is Jew baiting.

But Oh no!  we don’t bother to mention countless Syrians being murdered on Ramadan or in Libya today!  Or dare question Muslim people in the Arab world to see if this is right?as this would be too inappropriate and close to the bone. But sadly not, despite News24 attempt to educate audiences about  Ramadan as a cleansing experience , to make the person closer to God and think about fellow Muslim suffering, Israel was used a backdrop for Muslim struggling with their faith. When an innocuous story about Ramadan like this becomes an attempt to bash Israel by inadvertently allowing Palestinians to express their joys of Ramadan as they go through the West Bank and then travel into  “East Jerusalem” Doesn’t this make the journey to Al Asqa Mosque  more holier deed than the actual religiousity of the festive time called Ramadan? well to paraphrase John Pilger’ it really is an attempt to make Palestine the forever issue I guess.

The need to keep fetishizing the conflict is a real sickness  and left in the hands of news broadcasters like France 24 (who incidentally broadcast in Arabic and have many Arabic / French audience to satisfy and may have many arabic journalist in house themselves??)   Journalists trained in a continuous culture environment of anti-Zionism will always try to include hidden messages like this..

I believe one of the reasons the conflict attracts a high level of educated media bods in first place apart from indoctrination from Univerisities and student socities,  Israel is by far the easiest country and safest country in the Middle East to report and ironically happened to be the most sexy of them all. Aid workers in Palestine use this environment as a kind of Aid Industry Disney Land, read here:

Why sexy? Because it guarantees top ratings. Like I said its a sad vicious circle, the more you report and hide these messages in other stories the more the public expects to hear from Israel from time to time or lets just say EVERYTIME to be accurate, and the more prominence Israel becomes in the Lexicon of life and thus Statesman like Blair go around the world telling everyone the ultimate falsity ‘if we solve this , we solve the worlds problems’ or words damn near close to it!

If you also add the little factor of the  conflict being complex to understand  due its shifting players, competing narratives, victim-hood, multiple identities, the people it attracts are naturally going to be educated and most probably in the media. I seriously do believe either Palestinians themselves or more notably it’s supporters actually ‘want a continuation in the conflict and occupation’ because it really gives them meaning to their lives – especially when we  dont have South Africa. And sorry to sound crass but they also seem to enjoy baiting Jews they seem to get off on it, and becomes like a fetish for them.  (We witness this everyday on campus here in the UK and in the US)

However the difference between them and us couldn’t be more opaque for the Pro-Palestinians.. We Jews are so low in numbers  we have no choice but to always think about peace in some shape or form ,  obviously they would never believe us I suggest spend one month in Israel proper and you ll see just how mainstream and accepted the two-state solution is.

Now back to this report.  Until journalists are taken to task and challenged openly about editorial processes  that led to this I’m afraid we cannot trust the media to tell the Israeli narrative because of the innate bias at work.  FranceNews 24 is further evidence. no other country is consistently abused like this, none i tell you.

In closing.

The sad fact apart from the bloggers and organizations such as JustJournalism & HonestReporting,reports  will come and go keeping the ground fertile for the next generation of Anti-Zionists who sadly will  never form ideas or opinion without  being infected from the very very beginning..

Me and Mike Leigh are now officially a double act… He’s known around the world as film-director making realism films characterized as “kitchen-sink-dramas”

But when you throw the kitchen sink at him and question his decision & motives about boycotting Israel, well he’s as silent as downtown Jerusalem over the last few years since implementing major security measures..

Mike is very vocal critic of Israel, yet produces work inspired by this country  Yet crucially has never visited seen 1990! Like most countries on the planet Israel has changed and like most countries with a democratic heart they usually change on a whole for the better yet suffer follow the usual ebbs and flows of such nation. Democratic nations simply will not function otherwise, and that’s more or less the bottom line when looking for indicators of a democratic state. Mike who hasn’t bothered to set foot not once on Israel’s land refuses to see the truth for himself and has now officially boycotted it. Though what prevented him not to announce it publicity we will never know.

And before you all yell at once, yes HE IS JEWISH,  very..  A few weeks ago I jumped onto the same train as him and this Jewhican couldn’t resist to ask him a few questions in a very public place. A fair place don’t you think considering he’s made his  Israel intolerance very public for all.. Here you can listen to it

ME: Are you still boycotting Israel?
Mike Leigh ML: inaudible (he said something like I m not willing to have discussion here)

ME: I would like to have a discussion because you have gone public with it Mike Leigh

ME: I am asking you a question, are you still going to be boycott Israel?
and why are you boycotting Israel?
ML : (Again not that audible sorry but I remember him saying I don’t want you filming me which I wasn’t only audio)
E: No this is as good as time as any to have a discussion, I think it’s an absolute disgrace you ‘re boycotting Israel.. you decided to sign up…people like Ken Loach who is very naive about the politics what’s going on inside Israel.

ME : You don’t have any comment?
ML: Not to you..
ME: Why not?
ML:Because I don’t want to.
ME: You dont want to?
ML: Not to you nought!


ME: Why don’t you want to go to Israel Mike Leigh?
Big Silence
ME: Why you embarrassed?
ML: No.
ME: I think it’s shameful, Ithink its very shameful you have signed up to the boycott
Train door open he gets up but he just misses it and off we go again . I gently  move again towards him

ME: Now is a good as time as ever, I would like to know why indeed you have decided to boycott Israel?

Train announcer: This train goes to West Ruislip

ML: You gather that I m not going to talk about it , you gather that?

ME: Israel is the only democracy in the middle east, why don’t you boycott many of the Arab  states ? Syria? why haven’t you come clean ?

Train departs platform and surprisingly he still stands by the closing door.

ME: Israel is the only democracy in the middle east, why don’t you boycott many of the arab states , Syria? Why havent you come clean ?

train departs platform

ME: I m surprised you haven’t gone on the flotilla?

trains moving fast now

ME: Israel is the only country to allow gay arabs to live in secure safety…

..I think everyone would like to know why have you singled out Israel beyond all the other countries…

…Israel the most evil country?

..Why haven’t you singled out other countries?

..Why not china? who commit the vile of human abuses? train moving ..


ME: thankyou for talking to me Mike Leigh that really explains everything.

Approaching holborm station. train packed and silent as i continued to interorgate him in the most public of  places.

ME: Again i ll ask u one last time to give you the chance, why are you boycotting Israel? I’d like to know?

train slows down doors about to open and he is standing right next to it.

ME: You don’t have an answer because you really DONT have an answer…

it’s diffucult to explain when you know the truth

Doors open

ME: It is not the most evil country in the world, thank you Mike Leigh  he then hops off train at holdborn and scurries down the platform pathetically  looking backhind to see if I m following, which obvioously i m not.

The carriage still shock say nothign  for a stop and I get off. interestingly no-one interferred or leaped to the defense of Mike. I was surprised by this in fact a few nodding heads I noticed from some older men busnesss man who seemed to agree..

(some crappy photos taken on my phone as evidence for those of you who disbelieve)

Baroness Tongue (  is the latest piece of sh*T because of her obsession with Israel and failing to understand that Israel is not the centre of the world for evil and destruction of mankind ever!

So we describe her  as the “The second wave sh&t” Go to the page at the bottom to find out what that means..

Tongue only a few days ago stormed out of the House of Lord because people basically had enough of her constant irrationally Israel-bashing.

Baroness Tonge, a prominent anti-Israel activist, accused those who supported the bill of destroying a safeguard against political interference by the Government. She denied that the current rules on magistrates issuing arrest warrants for foreign dignitaries, which prompted Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni to cancel a trip to Britain in 2009, had ever been abused in the past. The Liberal Democrat peer then used the opportunity to complain about Ms Livni, at which point another of the party’s peer, Lord Carlisle, noted: “What my noble friend is saying is out of order, inappropriate and not related to the amendment. She is having a rant at Mrs Livni.”  His complaint was supported by Lord Wallace, who said he comments were ranging from the subject “much more widely than is normal”. Baroness Tonge responded that she refused “to be silenced”, and when Lord Wallace repeated the fact that she was going off topic, she interrupted him again. Lord Carlisle called for order but she persisted: “I am not going to give way again. I must finish.” She was only silenced when another peer moved to demand that she no longer be heard. When the motion was agreed, she ran out of the chamber”

She also  made headlines for expressing concerns that Israel was collecting human organs during the Haiti earthquake, thankfully she was sacked from the Lib Dem Cabinet.

She promoted the demented Palestine Telegraph online paper. Harry’s place does a nice piece here:

So loved by the P.T they released a statement condemning the dismissal

For the record the soure of the story about Haiti organ harvesting came from insane out called AfriSynergy and Mr T.West.

The report apparently used some of this CNN report, here is the raw copy.

But to get a REAL feel of her qualifications just look how much time she devotes talking about Israel in the House of Lords. its quite staggering

For Tongue Israel is a such an obsession we need her to just calm down.

Cameron says it:

and Michael

Nick Cohen reports in the Jewish Chronicle

‘In my last column I wrote that Labour is taking a huge risk in running the tired and seedy figure of Ken Livingstone as its candidate in next year’s London mayoral elections. No sooner had I filed the copy than a delegation of Iranian leftists came to see me. They had been sickened by the sight of Livingstone taking the money of Press TV, the propaganda station of the Iranian government that has murdered thousands of their comrades, and tortured and raped tens of thousands more. The Iranians intend to picket him at every stage of the way in the campaign and force the British media to ask two questions which few apart from Martin Bright, Andrew Gilligan and your humble correspondent have raised before.’ So it takes Iranian citizens of Britain to remind the political classes and the Police how we should treat backers of the Iranian thug-eoracy.

Will his PressTV days finally catch up with him?

A great cross post by Azarmehr who has cleverly picked apart Press TV and their choice of guest. Please read.

Those who still believe Press TV is some kind of antidote to the BNP and EDL as a trusted Channel for the latest news about Islamaphobia around the world are wrong. Press Tv simply allow anyone from both the extreme left and right wing to carry on their sh%t stirring propaganda directive from Tehran HQ.  Azarmehr debunks Peter Rushton mentioned in his blog , who is being used in a capacity of  ”historian” commenting on Eygpt and then finally analyzing the story by distorting  Israel and Egypt relations pre and post Mubarak. It’s classic way by Press TV to allow themselves poetic license to espouse anti-Israeli sentiments. Just look at any top of the hour news rundown and count the Israeli stories. For anyone new to Earth watching just Press TV it would give the impression that Israel is the most important country ever to existed and the worst.

So those of you who still believe in muslamic ray guns please empty them  now and don’t get too excited that Press TV are kinda cool because they sometimes do investigative pieces of the EDL and BNP. They aren’t. They’re Nazi lovers.

Here’s a satirical video done in a typical songify way using Press TV’s news item about the EDL which worryingly helps legitimise the journalism delivered by (O)Press TV ..

In the actual report they obviously try to mock them. But Azarmehr demonstrates Press TV will actually talk and give a stage to BNP types in an attempt to justify and validate pure and simple anti-Israeli agendas.

Pure hypocrisy. Now where’s that OfComs number again??